Artist Statement

Life is a continuance. It is within this cyclic process of change and adaptation I apply the language of nature to themes of religion and patriarchy which are prevalent in my work. Reminiscent of the layers and patterns in nature accumulated over time, I choose to layer multiple concepts in an endeavor to provoke thought from the viewer. The result of unearthing issues that have affected me is both to discover more about myself and to engage the viewer in the beauty of that discovery.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Western Tea Set

Sterling Silver, Glass, Honey, Lemon Juice
3 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 2 1/2"

Tea brings to mind both ceremonial rituals of Eastern cultures and the conventionality of an afternoon English routine. In Western Tea Set these notions are exploited to address sources of patriarchy and female subjugation. The uterine quality of the tea set presents a duality of woman as the locus of life and the bearer of original sin. Cast rose hips give placental weight to the immersed fruit, nourishing the blame for the suffering of mankind made evident by sharp thorns. Honey and lemon juice serve to sweeten and conceal the bitter overtones of the staining beverage.